Sunday, October 12, 2008


I feel like I've missed out on the blog thing for long enough. I'm not even sure if they're cool anymore. It's like when I finally decided to climb aboard the Mac Train and all my friends started buying Dells again. But that is not what this blog is about. It is about the process of creating. I like for things to have direction, substance, and a general framework - they just make more sense to me that way. So I've decided to begin by looking back at the work I've made that is most strongly reflected in the work I am currently pursuing. I can already predict that there will be lots of lists and brainstorms along with quieter posts that only contain an image or a line from a novel I'm reading. Everything we read, see, hear, smell, experience informs and shapes the things we make. Therefore I think it's important to remain open and available to what the universe is telling us. One of the Betty Bowen special mention winners, Wynne Greenwood, remarked that Seattle was metaphorically just giving her things and she was staying open to it all.