Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tableau Vivant at Gallery 4Culture

Folding Screen (detail) 2012 liquid acrylics, house paint, duct tape, wrapping paper, and marker on maple 13 feet x 6 feet 

 Folding Screen (detail) 2012 liquid acrylics, house paint, duct tape, wrapping paper, and marker on maple 13 feet x 6 feet 

4 Spot Floor Lamp 2012 watercolor on paper 6.5" x 7.5"

A few examples of the work you can see at my November Gallery 4Culture solo show, Tableau Vivant. Opening reception First Thursday, Nov 1st 6-8pm with special opening night performance from 6:30-7:30. See hand-painted and sewn constructions, installations, and watercolors I've been working on over the last year.